Sources of Emotional Pain: Facing The “Hole”


Facing the Hole: A big step in “losing control”

Mindfulness and psychotherapy – As people pursue the journey toward “losing control” and to face sources of emotional pain, and mindfully penetrate deep within inner space, whether through emotional surfing or other emotional exposure exercises, they may find themselves facing a very daunting place, a “hell” realm, which I refer to simply as “The Hole”. The hole is often described as a “pit”, “chasm”, “cave”, “abyss” , “void” , “vortex” and so on. It is frequently experienced in one’s abdominal/umbilical region. This inner realm is often extremely frightening to encounter and is described by many as equivalent to “hell”. The feelings described in concert with the hole are a deep sense of “emptiness”, “meaninglesness”, “alienation”, “separation”, and is often described as producing significant anxiety, panic and a deep sinking feeling. Certainly, not everyone is likely to encounter this realm in their healing journey but a significant enough number does such that I feel it is important to discuss such that people are not unduly frightened or disturbed if they encounter it. I also believe that many do experience it but had no words to describe it. When I searched the internet for other references to this experience, I was shocked to find no references to it, at least that I could find.

So what is this place? As I describe in the book, just as there are black holes in  outer space, so too their are holes in inner space.  As with astronomical black holes, I see the inner holes as creases or folds in our inner psyche that were formed by disruptions or threats to our earliest and most formative attachments. Thus, it is not surprising, that this tear in our fabric is experienced around our umbilical region, where our earliest connection to the world resided. When our primary attachments are threatened or poorly formed, it leaves in its weak a “tear” in our psychic structure.

From a psychobiological level, I believe the hole may represent a separation or firewall between our limbic or reptilian  brain, and our fore-brain structures that contain our cognitive/evaluative functions. This separation probably served an adaptive function during our formative stages of development since it protected us from affective experiences that were to powerful to integrate.

I have also found that certain elements of ourselves may be contained within that hole. It can include critical memories, feelings and sometimes whole parts of ourselves. This is even more the case in those who were subjected to trauma and abuse when young. On occasion, aspects of one’s autobiographical memory are tucked deeply into the hole.

Many people go to great length to avoid this hole and I believe it helps provoke a lot of avoidant behaviors. The need to stay frequently busy and distracted may often be a means to distance ourselves from this inner void. Many choose to stay in relationships, even destructive ones for fear of facing this part of themselves. Food, drugs, alcohol, smart phones and so many other things can be used to sooth the pain of the hole. Ultimately, we will have to face this region if we really want to grow, otherwise we will be destined to dwell in “the land of the hungry ghosts”.

I cannot recommend that people face this hole without some professional support. Not that I feel that it is dangerous. I don’t believe any part of ourselves is dangerous. However, it can be frightening and confusing and a steady hand can help guide one through.

Some questions to ponder extracted from the book: Answer “True” or “False”

– There are places inside that I dare not go.

-Sometimes i feel a great sense of emptiness inside of me.

– I often feel that I am not connected to the world around me.

– I absolutely can’t stand being alone.

-Sometimes I am aware of a feeling of a hole in my gut.


More on facing the hole in the next blog.


As always, please feel free to post comments, personal experiences, observations, objections, or even bad limmericks.



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6 Comments. Leave new

  • Thank you for this. I can very easily get lost in these avoidant behaviors as they are comfortable for me. Looking at the real problem, this gaping center, is a very scary thing. Being aware of this isn’t even significant enough to motivate me to look at it, because of this fear. I feel that this blog post articulates the difficulty in my life, and even provides a solution (to some extent).
    Again thank you for this post.

  • mm
    November 25, 2012 8:06 am

    You are courageous to leave such an honest response. It is a very scary thing to contemplate giving up our comfortable avoidances and facing the fear. However, I can say, that the contemplation of doing so may be more frightening than the actuality. When people face their demons head on, they usually feel a sense of empowerment and purposefulness that helps to counterbalance the fear. And remember, there are professionals out there who can help. Best of luck in your journey.

  • Reply
  • I have been rolling trough this Hell for the last
    Two Years.

    Yes – Two Years of Constant Torture.

    Before It all started, I had a dream where
    a group of Hobbits, Gandalf and me
    are entering the gates of Mordor.

    After that it all started.

    For me it is centered right in the middle of my chest,
    Where the heart is.

    At the beginning it was a super massive black hole.

    Now it is a small one, but it still hurts like hell.

    The only way for it to lose energy is…

    To dive right into the pain:

    – no intelectualisation

    – no avoidance

    – no drugs & alcohol

    – no nothing, not even Love

    Only DIRECT CONFRONTATION – if you have the balls.

  • Stumbled upon a video about it, according to the upload date quite possibly a ripoff of your article:

  • Thank you for providing this video. I am glad that you tubers are bringing this to the world’s attention. If he got any of his ideas from me… well thats ok with me. Its not the messenger but the message that is important. I do disagree with his proposed solution for the hole. The empty feeling that we all carry inside needs to be directly viewed and experienced. It requires great courage to embrace the hole. But by so doing, we can face the fears of separation and the anxiety that arises from the primordial fear of loss of attachment that resides at the core of all human fears. By so doing, we can come to see that our connection to the world is not narrowly defined by our connections to parents, friends, lovers or anyone else but that we are integrally part of the universe. Our identification with an isolated self may even begin to crumble and we can glimpse a infinitely larger “I” that is not bounded by flesh. But to get to paradise, one must be willing to consciously face the the hell realms with equanimity and presence.


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